Smoke out the Objections

Few things are as frustrating as being in front of a customer that you can tell is holding something back, but is "chesting their cards."

I have found that the best recipe to overcome the tight-lipped buyer is simple...ask!  You should assume a few things before we get to this point:
  1. First, the fact that the customer chose to visit with you at all is proof that at some level they respect you or the product you represent.
  2. The customer hasn't up and left or kicked you out yet, meaning they haven't ruled you out entirely yet - they are waiting to be wowed!
  3. They are DYING to tell you what is holding them back.  OK, that might be a little dramatic, how about we agree on they are "willing" to tell you if only asked.
So, with our assumptions tied down and squarely in place, we endeavor to smoke out objections.  It's actually quite simple - you hear that phrase that we all love in the sales arena "Thanks!  I need some time to think about it."  For the sake of expediency, let's assume "think" in  this sentence is interchangeable with: Pray, sleep, eat, toss around, and a multitude of other delay techniques.

Your answer is simply, "OK, that's great.  I'm curious, what is preventing you from moving forward?"
This usually solicits a blank stare, followed by a smokescreen excuse.  A smokescreen is a crazy objection that really has nothing to do with anything! 

Buyer: "Nothin really, I just am waiting on a settlement before I move forward, and my Great Grandmother from Sicily must approve of any real estate purchase in the family.

You: "Wow!  that's fascinating!  When will she be stateside?"

Buyer :"Friday.  In one month, but on a Friday."

You: (Here's the point).  That's interesting.  Other than Great Grandma's approval, what else is on your mind?"  This here is the smoke-out.  Basically, you are asking them to momentarily set aside the first thing they told you to free them up to tell you the REAL story!  Sometimes it takes digging a few layers deep, but eventually you can find the truth!

Why does it work this way?  People are often fearful of telling you how they really feel.  They want to be politically correct, or simply avoid the confrontation that would ensue from a comment like "You know, I hate the first floor.  What were you people thinking?"  It's just easier to lie to you and blame the aging relative or some other 3rd party excuse.  Smoke 'em out, and you'll be amazed what you'll discover!


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